Angelo has a master’s degree in Logic and Philosophy of Science, and a master’s degree in Basic and Applied Neuroscience at the University of Valencia. He collaborated in New York with Massimo Pigliucci.
Angelo’s very active in various Spanish skeptical organisations and movements. He’s currently involved in the never-ending battle against pseudotherapies and pseudoscience, he’s part of ADEPT (Association for the Defence of the Patients from Pseudotherapies), an association that takes legal and educational initiatives to protect patients and he’s an active blogger at lavenganzadehipatia.wordpress.com. And Angelo is the main organiser of the First Congress of Critical Thinking and Scientific Divulgation, to be held in Valencia on the 5th and 6th of April.
Session: “Psychology and pseudopsychology”
Location: De Afkikker, Sint-Kwintensberg 52, 9000 Gent
Time: Wednesday 2nd of March 2016, at 8.30 pm (doors 8.00pm)
Free entry