Europees Skeptisch Congres (Lyon - 31/5-2/6)


Het 20ste Europees Skeptisch Congres heeft plaats van 31 mei tot 2 juni in Lyon, Frankrijk.

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Conference Fees

  • If you book before 1 May, you pay € 150 as a general participant and € 130 if you are a member of a skeptical organisation worldwide.
  • Students and senior citizens (aged 62 or over) pay € 50. You can also participate online for € 50.

Dive into these topics:

  • Europe’s Energy Future
  • A “good digital society”. AI, data protection, and social media
  • The Psychology of Beliefs (or Irrational Beliefs)
  • Harm From Wellness Culture
  • The Skepticism of Leonardo da Vinci
  • UFOs and Crop circles 2023

Speakers include:

  • Chris French
  • Edzard Ernst
  • Shukun Tokas
  • Myrto Tripathi
  • Francesco Grassi
  • Karolina Lisslö Gylfe

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