A Skeptic’s HR Dictionary. The good, the Bad and the Partially True.



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A Skeptic’s HR Dictionary. The good, the Bad and the Partially True. The ultimate self-defense guide for CEO’s, HR professionals, I/O students and employees. Het Engelstalige boek van SKEPP bestuurslid Patrick Vermeren kost 125 euro en is beschikbaar op Amazon.de en bol.com.

Patrick Vermeren weerlegt 25 mythes, beschrijft 15 gedeeltelijke waarheden of bijna-mythes en biedt 15 valabele alternatieven aan. Voor de inhoudstafel, surf naar www.askepticshrdictionary.com

In Patrick Vermeren’s incalculably important new book …/… you will discover the good, the bad, and the partially true in HR programs based on what the best science today tells us, rather than what anecdotes and testimonials say. —Dr. Michael Shermer, Publisher Skeptic magazine, Presidential Fellow, Chapman University, monthly columnist for Scientific American for 18 years, and the author of Why People Believe Weird Things, The Believing Brain, The Moral Arc, and Heavens on Earth.

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